Find out more about Peep Stay and Play sessions below.

About Peep Stay and Play
Age range: Suitable for children under 5 years with their parents/carers
Duration: Ongoing
Delivery: In-person sessions run weekly. No need to book.
Peep sessions are for parents, carers, babies and children.
Peep Drop-in 'Stay and Play' is a great way to meet other families, enjoy fun activities, and have a change of scenery.
The sessions provide a relaxing way for mums, dads, carers and practitioners to chat together, helping you do more of the little things; like listening, talking, playing, singing, and sharing books and stories, to support your children’s learning and development through everyday activities.
Peep ‘Stay-and-Play’ provides more flexibility than regular groups as there is no requirement to attend every week or arrive on time.
You can find out more about Peep Stay and Play sessions by contacting your local family hub.
Download our Peep Stay and Play flyer by clicking here or on the image on the left.