Explore the support available to expecting parents during pregnancy
Support available to you throughout pregnancy
Your mental health is as important as your physical health. The mental health and wellbeing of mums, dads, partners and carers is also important for the development of your baby. Poor mental health can impact a parent’s ability to bond with their baby. This is why it is important that parents and carers have their own needs met so they can meet the needs of their baby.
Pregnancy and the period after birth is an exciting and challenging at the same time for all new parents. It can be especially challenging if parents have experienced trauma or an unexpected event in childbirth or their baby’s development. For others, pregnancy can cause or exacerbate mental health conditions. This is why health visitors, midwives and other practitioners working with families, such as social workers, have a role in identifying mental health needs.
There's lots of information on mental health and pregnancy on the Start4Life website if you click here.
Healthier relationships: Me, you and baby too
Your local Family Hub runs a range of activities that are completely free of charge to take part in. Designed to help parents, co-parents and carers communicate well and manage stress together, 'healthier relationships' sessions are suitable for parents with children of any age up to 16 years.
For expecting parents, our digital support package 'Me, You and Baby Too' is aimed at expecting and new parents. Find out more about 'Me, you and baby too' by clicking here.
Other useful links
For more advice and tips on coping with emotional changes, stress and anxiety during (and after) pregnancy, have a look at the following links below which take you to other websites: